Improving Access to Science and Technology Higher Education in Resource-Poor Institutions through an Open Platform for Technology Enabled Active Learning Environment / TEAL2.O

Dr. Phisut Apichayakul Naresuan University,
Under the TEAL 2.0 Project, TEAL 2.0 Support and Development Centers (SDCs) will be set up and launched in the 3 partnering countries, namely India, Sri Lanka, and Thailand, and in the 8 participating institutes.
TEAL2.O will be devoted to customizability and collaborative development. Customizability will not be limited to the stage of developing programs or courses and content but also to the learning process. This allows learners to develop their own course with their own learning outcomes as well
Learner can access learning content both create by teaching staff within the university or international university
offering integration of various technology options, open software and open hardware (e.g. Arduino)
Student-centered base learning.
The Support and Development Center (SDC) has been established at Naresuan University in the frame of TEAL2.0 project as university support structures tasked with promoting the use and further development of the TEAL2.O environment among students and teaching staff within the university
To providing access to high-quality global expertise and modern learning support technology and virtual laboratories.
To enhance the quality of online learning within the University
We provide facility for leaner to access courses using the TEAL2.O platform, organize faculty and student training focused on the use of the platform
To deliver courses using the TEAL2.O platform
we offer working space for individual faculty interested in developing advanced content
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